Books That Kept Me Hooked: Lobster With A Straw By Lovis Johnson

Hi Dahlings,

How are you today? I hope you’re having a wonderful day or night, depending on when you’re reading this. It’s been quite a week for me, but I must say, reading the latest novel, “Lobster with a Straw,” has been a delightful escape. It has kept me thoroughly intrigued and distracted from any stress about this move into respite whilst I await these adaptions.

You know how much I adore this particular genre, right? Add in an under representated minority and trope, so when I saw “Lobster with a Straw” on the shelves and read the blurb I couldn’t resist. Without a second thought about my towering TBR pile or my wallet, I snatched it up, eager to delve into this new literary adventure.

Now, let me give you a detailed synopsis of this captivating novel. “Lobster with a Straw” tells the story of two individuals whose lives intertwine in an unexpected and profound way. Our protagonist, Patrick , is a fiercely independent man with a severe Cerebral Palsy that has shaped his identity and experiences. Enter , Lauren a charming and enigmatic figure who challenges perceptions of love, intimacy, and herself. The bare bones of story is that Patrick an intelligent Researcher who is often underestimated an misunderstood due to his condition, meets Lauren at a conference where their three day love affair unfurls.

“I’m used to stares.

I’ve been observing them my whole life. You know, that slightly panicked, embarrassed reaction when I enter the room in my power wheelchair, limbs flailing.

Or when I try to talk.

But today I’m being stared at for a completely different reason. By a beautiful woman in a lecture hall, with a mysterious smile.

And now our conference is about to end and I may never see her again. So I’ve got to make this count.”

As their relationship unfolds, we witness the complexities of interable love and the power of human connection beyond physical limitations.

I would give “Lobster with a Straw” a solid 4.5-star rating. The genre of this novel falls under contemporary fiction, with a touch of romance, spice with the added new elements of disability and sex discussed.

Key Themes in this book include:

  1. Intimacy beyond physicality: The novel explores the depth of emotional and intimate connections that can be formed regardless of physical disabilities.
  2. Identity and self-discovery: Both Patrick and Lauren embark on a journey of self-discovery, questioning societal expectations and redefining their own identities.
  3. Challenging societal norms: The book challenges the stereotypes and prejudices surrounding disabilities, forcing readers to confront their own biases.

Trigger Warning: This novel contains depictions of ableism and ableist language, which may be distressing for some readers.

What sets this book apart is its unflinching exploration of sexual intimacy. In a society that often shies away from discussing such topics, “Lobster with Straw” fearlessly breaks through barriers, offering a candid portrayal of the characters’ desires, needs, and experiences. The author navigates this sensitive subject matter with grace and sensitivity, never shying away from the complexities and nuances that accompany it. By doing so, the book challenges societal norms and prompts readers to question their own preconceived notions about intimacy and disability.

From a reader’s perspective, “Lobster with a Straw” is an important and enjoyable read. It sheds light on the often overlooked experiences of individuals with disabilities and challenges societal norms surrounding love and intimacy. The characters are richly developed, and their journey is both heartwarming and thought-provoking. This novel serves as a reminder of the power of human connection and the resilience of the human spirit and defies media sterotypes.

In conclusion, “Lobster with a Straw” is a remarkable novel that explores interable relationships, identity, and intimacy with sensitivity and depth. It is a book that will linger in your thoughts long after you turn the final page. So grab a cup of tea, settle into your favorite reading nook, and allow yourself to be swept away by this compelling story.

Happy reading!

Disabled Dahling

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